Ryan Galimova
Software Engineer and Leader
A creative problem-solver who brings together art, science and engineering
Programming Languages
Python + Pandas, JavaScript + Node.js and React, Java
Leadership, People Management, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Design Thinking, Continuous Learning
Work Experience
Senior Manager, Solutions Development
RBC, Toronto
Jan 2019 – Present
  • Achieved outstanding performance rating
  • Managed an agile team of 3-5 people directly + 3-6 people indirectly
  • Developed a future state architecture and a roadmap in collaboration with a lead architect
  • Coached future leaders who now oversee students and junior developers
  • Oversaw projects that included ETL data pipelines, web appllications, data visualizations, data analytics, API development and DevOps piplines
  • Technologies included Python + pandas, JavaScript + Node.js + React and Angular, Java + SpringBoot, Kafka, OpenShift, Jenkins, Github, Relational + NoSQL + Graph databases, HDFS
Senior Developer
RBC, Toronto
Jan – Dec 2018
  • Achieved outstanding performance rating
  • Developed data transformation logic using Python and Pandas to prepare the data for reporting and analytics
  • Inherited a large and complex codebase with minimal knowledge transfer, continued development and trained others
  • Acted as a team lead of 3-5 people, developed team spirit and branding
RBC Amplify Developer
RBC, Toronto
May – Sep 2017
  • Achieved outstanding performance rating
  • Contributed to user research, ideation, graphic design and development
  • Developed the web app part of the project using Node.js, React, Redux, Webpack, Express, JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Docker, Git, custom RESTful API and AWS
  • Acted as a team lead of 4 and mediated conflicts
Digital Experience Architect
RBC, Toronto
Sep – Dec 2016
  • Achieved outstanding performance rating
  • Developed a vizual language, prototyped and coded a RBC Nominate web app using Axure RP, Adobe Photoshop, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Redux, Webpack, Express, svn, integrated with an API written in Java
  • Designed a new logo that the Employee Digital Experience Architecture team now leverages in projects and presentations
Full-Stack Web Developer
Palomino System Innovations, Toronto
Jan – Apr 2016
  • Developed and tested responsive cross-browser compatible websites and widgets (example) using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, PHP, Laravel, WebPal, jQuery, and Git
  • Redesigned the company’s blog and added some features to it, refactored the old code to make it more efficient and maintanable
  • Researched and advised on usage of modern front-end technologies like React and Node.js
SAP BW Technical Support Consultant
EAE-Consult, Moscow, Russia
Mar – Jul 2014
  • Voluntarily wrote several macros and scripts for MS Outlook and Excel using Visual Basic to automate routine work, which saved the team about 2-3 hours each week
  • Solved complex math/logic problems
  • Trained and supported a new employee, wrote manuals for common tasks
Software Development & Network Engineering, 3-year co-op program
Sheridan College, Oakville, ON
Sep 2014 – Jan 2018
  • 4.0/4 GPA and Silver Medal; Received the Dean’s Award and Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
  • The winner of The Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST) Apprentice Programmer Competition (Jungle Game: strategy board game with AI using Java)
  • Co-organized a student coding club and delivered a workshop to an audience of 20 on Bootstrap and Sublime Text
  • Developed an Android app for note-taking with text encryption
Specialist in Physics (Russian equiv. of Masters)
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Sep 2008 – Dec 2013
  • Engineered and programmed an embedded system for scientific experiments using C and an 8-bit microcontroller now being used by the whole lab
  • Developed a data analysis application using Wolfram Mathematica and used it for my thesis
  • Co-authored a paper on organic solar cells for a peer-reviewed scientifc journal
  • Designed a logo for a scientific conference that was used in press and on merchandize